Spring 2016 Travel Grant Recipients

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Wendy Jehlen, founder and Artistic Director of ANIKAYA (Somerville, MA), will work with São Paulo–based theater and movement artists Diogo Granato, Maria Glória and Alex Merino to explore new approaches to improvisation in the creation and performance of devised movement theater. The work will occur over the course of two trips in May and September 2016.

B3W Performance Group (Jackson Heights, NY) will travel to Seville, Spain to begin collaborating with Alba Lucera, a renowned Flamenco dancer, and musicians Tino Van Der Sman and Rafael Montegduo (New York, NY). Together they will discover ways to fuse contemporary dance and flamenco and investigate how their two cultures face issues of oppression.

L.M. Bogad (Berkeley, CA) and Kathy Randels of ArtSpot Productions (New Orleans, LA) will exchange feedback about ongoing projects and serve as “outside eyes” and trainers for each other. During their time together they will work on a collaboration about monuments, race, and social commemoration/conflict.

Sharna Fabiano (Los Angeles, CA) will visit with the Artistic Director, Chey Chankethya, and company members of Amrita Performing Arts (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). Fabiano will explore rehearsal process for culturally specific themes and lead workshops in tango, contact improvisation, and choreographic methods.

Ezzell Floranina (Shutesbury, MA) of ETTA International-The Rainbow Players will visit The Lawnmowers Independent Theatre Company.(Gateshead-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom) a like-minded performing arts troupe exploring creative devising, actor-centered works and sustainability. During her visit, Floranina will engage in daily training, teach shadow puppetry, share ideas around the co-creation of new works using Skype, digital media and the internet. Additionally she will re-engage with 3 other troupes met on previous trips to the UK and Ireland, whose players are labeled as disabled, The Blue Teapot (Galway, Ireland); Open Theatre Productions (Birmingham, UK); and Encore Productions (Dundalk, Ireland) to look at their creative survival in tough economic times and at establishing an International Network of Performing Arts Troupes dedicated to maintaining full access to the arts for all abilities.

Live Action Set (Minneapolis, MN) will bring interactive-performance pioneer Jeff Wirth(Brooklyn, NY) to Minneapolis to lead a six-day intensive workshop for an ensemble of 10 dancers/physical performers. The intensive will focus on developing the performers’ interactive skills, to equip them with the ability to create a nonverbal-based performance that puts an audience member in the role of protagonist.

Siobhan O’Loughlin (Brooklyn, NY) will travel to the Philippines to rehearse and devise work with Issa Lopez, independent theatre-maker and dancer. Every Friday, members of the locally based Sipat Lawin Ensemble (Quezon City) will observe the process to provide dramaturgy and direction. Their six weeks together will result in a workshop performance for the community.

Jennifer Sargent (New Orleans, LA) of Vagabond Inventions will invite playwright Zina Camblin (Chicago, IL) to experiment and exchange practices in New Orleans. Zina and the company will explore the role of a writer inside of a devising process in a late stage of a show's development.

theater simple (Seattle, WA) and Z Puppets Rosenshnoz (Minneapolis, MN) will  exchange ideas and techniques and collaboratively develop new tactics for developing community-anchored site-specific performance. These techniques will then be team-taught to youth in Seattle for theater simple’s new piece THE GULLIVER PROJECT.

Artistic leaders John Jarboe and Sally Ollove from The Bearded Ladies Cabaret(Philadelphia, PA) will travel to Berlin, Germany for a week to explore the cabaret scene with Dieter Rita Scholl as guide. They will also engage in a workshop with Scholl to explore intersections in each other’s cabaret practice.

The NET/TEN 2016 Spring Travel Grant peer review panel included: Dora Arreola, Artistic Director, Mujeres en Ritual Danza-Teatro (Tampa, FL); Meropi Peponides, Co-Founder, Radical Evolution / Producer, Soho Rep (New York, NY); and Wolfgang Lancelot Wachalovsky, Company Member, Mugwumpin (Oakland, CA).