The Journey UnderGround
As we move into another year at the Network of Ensemble Theaters we reflect on the work of this past year, much of which has been largely invisible, there has been much that has happened out of the public eye.
So much is to come in 2025, but we want to share some of last year's story with you. Yes, we have undergone a transitional moment with our staff structure, but the work of transition is constant. In embracing transition or change as a baseline we are able to build stability, not rigid and static but receptive and responsive to the changes within and around us. We are making a play of sorts and playing with each other, playing with shared leadership models, decentralizing the knowledge of gathering, with shared definitions. This process is iterative, slow, sometimes quick, and surprising. Thank you for your patience, support and for riding the waves on this journey.
In abundance,
Severin Blake
The Journey UnderGround: A Haiku
Stories we have heard
Truth, facts, wisdom unveiling
Committing to change
Words, symbols, language
all meanings arbitrary
Living document
In life is death and birthing
passing on and through
Celebrate, rest, and receive
Taking space to grieve.
Sharing resources
Strategize, designing systems
Tend, build and strengthen
Connecting the wider net
Engaging with you