NET Post-Election Statement & Resources

Network of Ensemble Theaters Post-Election Impact Statement

The early days of this post-election period have already shown ensemble theaters stepping up with powerful actions. To all those who voted and worked to educate candidates about the crucial role of the arts and arts education in schools, communities, states, and across the nation, thank you. Together, we hold the strength to unite, find clarity, and move forward as a field.

As our communities face the likelihood of increased racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, imperialist, xenophobic, and ableist policies, it is more vital than ever that we come together to support, care for, defend, and uplift each other.

In 2016, theaters organized events like the Ghostlight Project, which inspired theater communities across the nation to gather on the eve of the Presidential Inauguration to shine a light in dark times. Participants stood together to uphold values of inclusion, participation, and compassion for everyone, regardless of race, class, religion, immigration status, ability, age, gender identity, or sexual orientation. On January 6, 2020, we gathered voices to produce writing and statements that clarified our values and intentions in the face of national challenges.

We see you, once again, creating spaces where people can gather, process, and organize in response to these challenges. We encourage you to share links to your statements, gathering spaces, events, and programs that invite people into this crucial work. We have been deeply impressed by how the theater field has mobilized in similar moments, and we stand ready to amplify the efforts you are already making as we move forward together.

Amplify Local Action—Share What You Know!

We invite you to add resources and organizations from your community and region that are doing the frontline work needed to confront the coming years to our padlet. We’d love to keep this list evolving and based in initiatives that people within our networks can vouch for.

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About the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET)

The Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) is a national community of artists and organizations dedicated to collaborative creation. NET works to advance ensemble theater practice, bringing it to the forefront of culture and society. NET defines an ensemble as a group of individuals committed to working together consistently over time to develop a distinctive body of work and practices. Ensemble members, including artists and administrators, are empowered as core decision-makers, helping shape their company’s artistic direction and organizational structure.


Spotlight: Indigenous Artists, Ensembles, and Orgs to Support
