
NET/TEN Shareback: Cleveland Public Theatre - Showing Core Values as a Host
Raymond Bobgan, Executive Artistic Director of Cleveland Public Theatre (Cleveland, OH) visited Mondo Bizarro (New Orleans, LA) to foster a deeper and reciprocal relationship, gain knowledge about Mondo Bizarro’s artistic creation techniques, and lead a week-long workshop. Bobgan was joined by Faye Hargate, CPT’s Director of Community Ensembles and a member of the Cleveland Core Ensemble (a resident ensemble company at CPT).

NET/TEN Shareback: Under the Table - Hosting a Fruitful Work-In-Progress Showing
Under the Table (Brooklyn, NY/Oakland, CA) traveled to the University of Idaho (Moscow, ID) to work with Professor Matt Foss on a new physical comedy inspired by heists, both real-life and fictional. Foss shared his expertise in creating simple yet innovative visual moments and worlds.

NET/TEN Shareback: Radical Evolution & El Teatro Campesino - 5 Things To Consider When You’re Hosting
For our NET Exchange Grant, Radical Evolution hosted ensemble members from El Teatro Campesino, our friends and creative partners, for a week long residency in New York City to continue working on a new performance piece inspired by the legend and history of Los San Patricios. This has been an exciting collaboration as we continue to create our production together. While we share similar artistic passions and interests, we operate in very different environments - El Teatro Campesino is located in rural Northern California in a small town called San Juan Bautista (approx. population 2,000) and Radical Evolution lives and works in New York City (approx. population 8,500,000). As you can imagine, the differences are clear. As a grassroots ensemble hosting another ensemble from out of town, we learned a lot about what to think through and how to be sure our guests had the best experience. We thought it would be valuable for other ensembles to know what worked best for us during this exchange.