NET/TEN Shareback: Dandelion Dancetheater's Bandelion Ensemble, Theater Grottesco & Paufve|Dance - Ensemble Collaboration Agreement

2014-15 Exchange Grant Recipients

Dandelion Dancetheater's Bandelion Ensemble (Oakland, CA), Theater Grottesco(Santa Fe, NW) and Paufve|Dance (Berkeley, CA) continued their ongoing exploration to collaboratively create a new performance piece, Blessed Unrest, a lively, interdisciplinary performance that will go into bars and nightclubs.


It’s always wonderful to find an artist or ensemble whose work you resonate with and with whom you would like to collaborate.

Between our three ensembles we have decades of collaboration history that led to this project. We figured we didn't have to talk about the basic logistics that might be discussed thoroughly when strangers come together to make art, because of our long-term relationships. However, we found that a few simple conversations and the writing down of what we came up with could have helped us avoid a lot of challenging turns the project took. Perhaps such conversations are even more important when we think we know each others' approaches well. We all agreed that we'd like to take what we learned through the process and use it to help other artists and ensembles (ourselves included) to more consciously prepare for collaborations like this, therefore giving more time and energy to the art-making itself.

This Ensemble Collaboration Agreement is intended as a general outline of topics worth discussing before jumping into the rehearsal hall--because early discussions, decision-making, and clarifying of terms can help your collaboration run more smoothly.


For more questions or more info about this agreement, please contact Eric Kupers at

Download the Ensemble Collaboration Agreement

Related Connector Resources:

Ensemble Collaboration Agreement



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