Virtual Mapping Session On July 22nd

So, just a few weeks ago, we announced some pretty big changes on June 18th, 2024. And now, YOU are invited to the first virtual event designed to help shape this next era of NET.

This July 22nd, 2024, 4 pm PT // 6 pm CT // 7 pm ET Virtual Mapping Session is open to everyone, NET Members and beyond, to help bring the Ensemble Community together to discuss all things change and plan key programming.

As we gather in the virtual space, we will greet one another and ground ourselves in the present moment. From there, we will share a summary of NET's transition and transformation (See the full letter here). We will then hold space for any questions and expressions from the community.

Once rooted together, we will begin our Ecology Mapping. In this exercise, we invite participants to contribute to a living evergreen ensemble field map and manual connector and do a little BETA testing on our new membership portal launching in August. We will share some exciting news about upcoming events at NET as we work to put the power in the hands of the people through Decentralized Future Convening Planning. Our favorite part is that we will map the assets in the room through a brief Community Learning Exchange.

Monday, July 22nd- via NET Zoom
4 pm-6 pm PT / 6 pm-8 pm CT / 7 pm-9 pm ET (2 Hours)

Register with this form.

In This Session:

We will build on the work of the NETneXt Initiative, imagining what is next for NET as an organization, not just in service to the field, but of and for ensemble makers, culture workers, and ensembles dedicated to working towards new worlds, liberation, justice, solidarity, and mutual aid. As part of this transformational period, we are also building a brand-new membership portal with new offerings and we want to hear from you in this session:

  1. What would be the most valuable elements of membership for you?

  2. What about the programming and ways of connecting we are piloting work? Which feel redundant?

  3. How much learning exchange programs and access to each other is the right balance?

  4. What is the resource library of your dreams?

  5. What does a sustainable cost of membership look like?

Why this Session Now:

Here at NET, we are in the process of a re-engagement pilot with the membership to rebuild our community after the pandemic and so many changes in the field. Part of this work is to create a working manual connector, a map of ensembles and individuals working in the ensemble field that will support collective advocacy and active collaboration across ensembles, regions, and beyond. We believe this will help us connect again, more deeply, with clear intention, and for some, even for the first time.

During the NET Circle-up series and subsequent surveys, members have articulated that artists, ensembles, cultural workers, and more are working in ways that are different from institutional, regional, and commercial theater. People who create works by, with, and for groups of people and with community members, many of whom may be from marginalized communities. Sometimes it can be hard to find people that work in similar ways because the work of ensemble practice can be difficult to relate over impact surveys and is not well valued or covered by the mainstream arts and entertainment industries which are increasingly more focused on what will put more butts in seats.

Over the years, NET has become a space for artists and ensembles to find community and gather, sharing resources and pedagogies. As ensemble members and practitioners, we want to see, support, learn from, and uplift one another. That work is continuing here in this first Virtual Mapping Session.

We are building a NET that works in new ways. After all, the pushing of form is modeled by our ensemble field repeatedly. Ensemble practitioners are best at the pivot, right? We often share values of deep listening, trust building, curiosity, and a history of devising new technologies and methodologies of making, organizing, and activating. We need you and your brilliance to make it through this transition and move towards a new future.

We look forward to seeing you. Let us discover what abundance already exists in the room. If you cannot make it, we hope that time will align for you to attend another NET gathering soon.


In community,

Alexandra Meda + Severin Blake


Thank You NET Weaver


Let the Transformation Begin: What’s NEXT for NET